Are you struggling to manage your virtual team? It’s not always easy to step into a leadership role when you are used to being a solopreneur. Building a successful virtual team is an incredible experience for business growth. I will be the first to day, there is no shortage of learning lessons that you will experience as you navigate managing your team!
As an online business manager, I manage a lot of my client’s team members for them. Not everyone wants to manage a team, and that’s okay; that’s just one thing that OBM’s can do for you!
Here are some of the best tips and tricks for managing your team successfully:
The first thing I want to mention is communication (and I can’t stress this enough)! Communication with your team members is imperative for a smooth working relationship. Beginning with the onboarding phase, you need to communicate effectively with your team about their roles, responsibilities, and expectations.
Your team can’t read your mind, which is where the ability to communicate comes in!
Having a streamlined project management system in place first will not only help you know what your team is working on, but it helps your team feel confident and know what they are working on too. Your project management system is the location for all tasks, projects, and essential information.
Some of the best project management systems I have found are ClickUp, Monday, Asana, Trello, or TeamWork.
Letting your team members know your expectations about a project, their communication, and their responsibilities is essential for your team to run smoothly. Along with this, you need to be open to providing genuine feedback. Your team won’t learn if you aren’t giving feedback or guidance on their work!
Business is a two way street. While you need to be a great communicator for your team, you also need to be open to their views and feedback. Having this open lines of communication creates a happier environment where your team feels heard, valued, and respected.
You might also be surprised at some of the incredible suggestions or ideas they provide!
Team Culture is important, and it goes along with knowing your brand values. What is most important to you? How do you want your team members to feel?
If you are tired of managing your team while also being the CEO, you might be ready for an online business manager who can take this over for you! Click here to see my services or here to book a discovery call to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.
Managing a team can be tough! Managing one virtually exudes other challenges. What may I have missed? I’d love to hear something you do with your team.