An online course is just content without a marketing plan in place. Marketing your course doesn’t have to be super complicated or overwhelming, but it does require quite a bit of planning and strategy. If you are creating a new digital course, this blog post will help you figure out how to create an effective marketing plan for your upcoming course launch.

The Launch Phases

Before we begin, it’s important to note that every course launch should have 3 distinct phases: 

  • The Pre-Launch Phase – Approximately 2-8 weeks before your launch, depending on how warm your audience already is and how much the investment is.
  • The Launch Phase – The period of time that your cart is open and your course is open for enrollment.
  • The Post-Launch Phase – Approximately 1-2 weeks after your launch is over and your cart is closed.

So let’s dive into each of these phases and make your launch a little easier! 

Phase 1: Pre-Launch

The pre-launch phase of your launch is the most important and longest phase. How well your pre-launch is planned will normally determine how well your launch does.

In this phase, the most important part is showing up, showcasing your expertise, and building the know, like, and trust factor with your audience.

This phase usually includes promoting a lead magnet, such as a new guide, webinar, challenge, quiz, etc., that fits as a lead into your course. 

If your audience is small, this phase can also be focused on not just nurturing but also bringing in new leads via Facebook Ads or other paid advertising promoting your content and lead magnet.

Phase 2: Launch

The doors are officially open, and all of your launch planning is paying off. During the cart launch period, you want to focus on 2 main areas:

Showing up and talking about your course – everywhere and all of the time.

Don’t worry about annoying your audience. You know the statistics; people need to see something 7 or more times before taking action. So, talk about your course! Nobody else will be as excited about it as you are, so share that excitement!

The second main focus should be on connecting. Be more responsive to messages on social media or email. Make any inquiries feel heard and deliver excellent customer service.

You could even send warm leads who click on the link in your launch emails or who signed up for your waitlist a personalized video. Another option is to add a live chat box to your course sales page. Focus on building those relationships and authentic connections.

We should always be focusing on this but at launch time? Make it your number one priority! 

Phase 3: Post-Launch

After your launch, no matter if you hit your goals this time around or not, take a break and celebrate! Launching is a lot of work, and the post-launch phase is essential for making your next launch even better.

Check out your numbers and see what was done really well. Then, make notes on what could be improved for next time. You will thank yourself in the long run if you take the time to perform a launch audit to see what worked and what didn’t. Everything is always a valuable learning lesson!

Do you need help with your next launch? We would love to assist! Contact us today.


June 19, 2023

How to Create a Marketing Plan for Your Course Launch



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Rebel Dreamer Co. works with small and medium businesses to create the systems and processes necessary to fully support the core values and priorities for your business. From marketing strategy to full done-for-you launches, Rebel Dreamer can help companies run efficiently and successfully.



